Peterborough & Leicester – Summer 1996

MD – Michael Sands

Organist – Lyndon Hills

Sunday July 28th 1996  (9 after Pentecost)   Monday 29th July 1996

4.00pm  Choral Evensong )                       5.30pm Choral Evensong

(Leicester Cathedral)                               (Peterborough Cathedral)

Introit: Let thy merciful ears (Weelkes)            Introit:           O come ye servants (Tye)

Responses:             Smith.                                         Responses               Ayleward,

Psalm:                       24,                                                Psalm:                       74

Canticles:                 Dyson in F                                 Canticles:-               S. S. Wesley in E

Anthem:   Te Deum in C (Stanford)   Anthem:-      Expectans Expectavi (Wood)

Hymns:                     AMNS 180, 292, 209


Tuesday 30th July 1996                            Wednesday 31st July 1996

5.30pm Choral Evensong                          5.30pm Choral Evensong

Introit; Lord for  thy tender mercies’ (Hilton)                  Introit:                 Cantate Domino (Pitoni)

Responses:             Ayleward,                                  Responses               Rose

Psalm:                       77                                                 Psalm:                       78 v39-end

Canticles:-      Howells – Coll Regale Canticles:-               Parry in D

Anthem:-   Blessed city, heavenly Salem          Anthem:-  Hear  my words ye people

                                    (Bairstow)                                           (Parry) _______________________________________________________________________

Thursday 1st August 1996                         Saturday 3rd August 1996

5.30pm Choral Evensong                          3.30pm Choral Evensong

Introit:      Hide not thou thy face(Farrant)      Introit:Eternl spirit of the living Chrst


Responses               Rose                                            Responses               Byrd

Psalm:                       80                                                 Psalm:                       86

Canticles:-     Howells – St Pauls’ Service           Canticles:- Wood in F (Collegium Regale)

Anthem:-     They that go down to the sea Anthem:-     Hail gladdening light (Wood)

                                    (Sumsion )                                 Hymns:          NEH 152 (Office) and 336


Sunday 4th August 1996  (10th after Pentecost)

1030am Sung Eucharist                            3.30pm Choral Evensong

Introit:-   The Holy Eucharist (Harris)                 Introit:    Gaudent in Coelis ( daVittoria)

Setting:    Darke in E                                                  Responses              Byrd,

Motets:    Sicut Cervus (Palestrina) Psalm:                       1,  4,

Justorum Animae (Stanford)            Canticles:-               Stanford in A

Hymns:      NEH 238, 341, 353, 340 (t475)Anthem:-       Thou O God  (Boyle)

                                                                                          Hymns:                     NEH 54 (Office) and 64