Salisbury & Guildford – Summer 1995

MD – Michael Sands

Organist – Lyndon Hills

Music List

Sunday 30th July 1995 Pentecost 8  (Guildford Cathedral)

9.45am   Sung Eucharist                          1115am Sung Mattins                             

Creed:      Merbecke                               Responses:-       Morley                         

Setting:-    Stanford in B Flat/F                Canticles:          Stanford in C                

Motett:-  My soul there is a country(Parry) Anthem:        Insanae et vanae curae(Haydn)                                            

Monday 31st July  1995 

6.30pm Choral Evensong                         (5.30pm Choral Evensong)

Responses:-       Morley                          Responses:-       Byrd

Canticles:-         Aston in F                      Psalms:             149, 150.          

Anthem:-   Thou O God (Boyle)                Canticles:-         Wood in F (Coll Reg)

                                                            Anthem:-    Hail gladdening light (Wood)

Tuesday 1st August 1995                         Wednesday 2nd August 1995

(5.30pm Choral Evensong)                       (5.30pm Choral Evensong)

Responses:-       Byrd                             Responses:-       Rose

Psalms:-            6, 8.                              Psalms:-            13, 14.

Canticles:-         Moeran in D                  Canticles:          Parry in D

Anthem:-   And I saw a new heaven          Anthem:-    Hear my words ye people

                        (Bainton)                                               (Parry)


Thursday 3rd August 1995                      Saturday 5th August 1995

(5.30pm Choral Evensong)                       (5.30pm Choral Evensong)

Responses:-       Rose                             Responses:-       Smith

Psalms:-            18                                 Psalm:-             29

Canticles:- Howells – St Pauls’ Service      Canticles:-      Wesley in E

Anthem:-    Expectans expectavi (Wood)    Anthem:-  O God, thou art my God,



Sunday 6th August 1995 (Transfiguration of our Lord)

1000am Sung Eucharist                           1130am Choral Mattins                           3.00pm  Choral Evensong           

Creed:-      Merbecke                               Responses:-        Smith                            Responses:-       Smith

Setting:-     Darke in E (Coll Reg)             Psalm:-             27                                 Psalm:-             72

Motetts:-    Sicut Cervus (Palestrina)         Canticles:-   Collegium Regale (Howells)   Canticles:-         Stanford in A

                 Ave Verum Corpus (Byrd)        Anthem:-    Greater love (Ireland)             Anthem:-    Blessed City, (Bairstow)