Llandaff – Summer 2012

MD – Michael Sands

Organist – Peter Morrison

Music List

The Rawstorne Singers, Lancashire

Llandaff Cathedral Visit 2012

 10. Planned Music  List

Monday August 6th 2012     Tuesday August 7th 2012  
6.00 p.m. Choral Evensong 6.00pm  Choral Evensong 
Introit Laudate nomen Domini (Tye) Introit Purest and Highest (Stanford)
Responses Reading (Church in Wales) Responses Rose (Church in Wales)
Psalms  72 Psalms:  6 & 8
Canticles: Dyson in D Canticles: Howells: St. Paul’s Service
Anthem Evening Hymn (Balfour-Gardiner) Anthem: Let the people praise thee (Mathias)
Hymn:   Hymn:  
Wednesday August 8th 2012 Friday August 10th 2012
5.30pm  Choral Evensong 6.00 p.m. Choral Evensong
Introit: O for a closer walk (Stanford) Introit: Hide not thou thy face (Farrant)
Responses:  Byrd Responses Lyndon Hills
Psalms: 9 Psalms:  15 & 16
Canticles: Smart in B Flat Canticles: Howells in B Minor
Anthem: They that go down to the sea (Sumsion) Anthem:    My beloved spake (Hadley)
Hymn:   Hymn:  
Saturday August 11th 2012  
6.00 p.m. Choral Evensong  
Introit: From the rising of the sun (Ouseley)    
Responses Smith    
Psalms:  18 vs 25-50    
Canticles: Bairstow in D    
Anthem: Blessed city (Bairstow)    
Sunday August 12th 2012 (Trinity 10)
1100 Sung Eucharist 3.30pm Choral Evensong
Introit: The Holy Eucharist (Harris) Introit: Gaudent in Coelis (Victoria)
Hymns:   Responses: Ayleward
Psalm: 130 Psalms: 90
Setting: Vierne: Messe Solenelle in C sharp minor Canticles Wood in F (Collegium Regale)
Motetts Justorum Animae (Stanford) Let all mortal flesh (Bairstow) Anthem: Hail gladdening light (Wood)
Hymns:   Hymns: