Newport & Bristol – Summer 1997

MD – Michael Sands

Organist – Lyndon Hills

1. Music List
Saturday 9th August 1997    (St. Woolos’ Cathedral, Newport)
Choral Evensong  
Introit: Let thy merciful ears – Weelkes    
Responses: Ayleward,    
Psalms: 121 and 122    
Canticles: Wood  in F      (Coll: Reg:)    
Anthem: O Lorde, the maker of al thing (Joubert)  
Sunday August 10th 1997 (The 11th after Trinity) (St. Woolos’ Cathedral, Newport)
1030am Sung Matins 6.30pm Choral Evensong
Responses: Smith. Introit: O come ye servants –Tye
Psalm: 27 Responses Smith
Benedictus Chant Psalm: 42
Te Deum: Elgar in F Canticles: Dyson in D
Anthem: Blessed be the Lord God of Israel (Elgar) Anthem: Thou O God  – Boyle
Hymns: 256,  343,  377 Hymns: 345,  367, 245
Monday August 11th 1997     Tuesday August 12th 1997 
5.15pm Choral Evensong (Bristol Cathed) 5.15pm Choral Evensong (Bristol Cathed)
Introit: Hide not thou thy face – Farrant Introit: Lord for  thy tender mercies’ –Hilton
Responses: Rose Responses Rose
Psalms: 118 Psalms: 119 V25-40
Canticles: Smart in B Flat Canticles: Howells – Collegium Regale
Anthem: Ascribe unto the Lord –Wesley Anthem: They that go dwn to the sea -Sumsion
Wednesday August 13th 1997   Thursday August 14th 1997  
5.15pm Choral Evensong (Bristol Cathed) Non-singing day
Introit: I will sing with the spirit (Rutter)  
Responses: Tomkins  
Psalms: 119 V57-72  
Canticles: Bairstow in D (*)  
Anthem: Blessed city, heavenly Salem (Bairstow)
Friday  August 15th 1997  Saturday August 16th 1997   
5.15pm Choral Evensong (Bristol Cathed) 3.30pm Choral Evensong (Bristol Cathedr)
Introit: Ave Maria -Bruckner Introit: Eternal spirit of the living Christ -Hills
Responses: Hills Responses: Hills
Psalms: 119 v129-52 Psalms: 120/1
Canticles: Howells – St Pauls’ Service Canticles: Aston in F
Anthem:    Iustorum Animae –Stanford Anthem: Let all the people –Mathias
    Hymn: 373 (t376)
Sunday August 17th 1997  (Bristol Cathedral) (The  13th Sunday after Pentecost)
1000am  Sung Eucharist (Bristol Cathedr) 3.30pm Choral Evensong (Bristol Cathedr)
Introit: The Holy Eucharist –Harris Introit: Gaudent in Coelis –daVittoria
Responsorial Psalm  NEH 536 Responses: Byrd
Setting: Sumsion in F Psalms: 22 v 1-221
Anthems: Ave Verum  –Byrd Canticles Parry in D
  Sicut Cervus –Palestrina Anthem: Hear  my words ye people  (Parry)
Hymns: 467   427   413 Hymns: 379(Offce) 499 239